7 Tips For Keeping Your WordPress Site Secure from WordPress Cyber Attacks

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laptop in the dark, showing code on the screen

You will probably know now that we love WordPress. It’s a fantastic CMS System that can create blogging websites and full-blown e-commerce sites, that are extremely popular with people around the world.

Unfortunately, WordPress has been a victim of a lot of cyber attacks due to its popularity.

Therefore we decided to think of seven helpful tips to prevent anyone from cyber-attacking your WordPress website, so listen up.

1. Choose Your Host Wisely

Choosing the right hosting can be hard. Especially when it comes to security, you want the best for your website.

Make sure that your website hosting has SSL certificates, CDNs, firewalls, and attack protection, as these will add an extra layer of protection to your site which would not be apparent with some hosts. So choose wisely!

We particularly like to use Krystal, because they are UK-based, have great customer services and even better Green hosting!

2. Make Sure You’re Using The Latest PHP Version

Only the most recent versions of PHP are regularly patched against security vulnerabilities. If you have an outdated PHP, your WordPress website is more likely to be hacked.

The latest version of PHP which is 8.1.2 (at the moment) includes bug fixes, thus reducing errors on your site and improving user experience.

Having this will ensure that your website will be regularly updated and more secure.

3. Utilise Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication has been invented for a reason -to make it harder for people to hack your website!

This has been used on email systems, phones and websites. It’s that extra step to take which will make your websites much more protected.

Although it can be frustrating and time-consuming when logging in and out of your accounts, however, it’s worth it when your site is secure!

4. Install Secure Plugins and PHP Scripts

There are many wonderful and creative plugins out there that can enable you to do many things with your website, however, some are more secure than others.

The same goes for PHP scripts, make sure you do your research before installing any plugins or PHP scripts you don’t know.

WordPress itself has some great examples of secure plugins which are great for websites.

Doing your research is the most important thing to do before any installing.

Jetpack: The ultimate plugin from the WordPress experts

5. Automatically Log Out Idle Users

This feature doesn’t come from WordPress itself but from plugins.

When enables, it helps improve security, so if anyone is still logged into a public or open computer, they can’t get access to your WordPress admin.

If you have the option to activate this feature it is important you do so because it could just be that extra step that prevents you from getting hacked!

smartphone on a desk with security lock symbol on the screen

6. Disable File Editing

The file editor lets you edit the raw code files that make up the Theme that is active.

Some developers disable this and some don’t, however disabling this particular feature will strengthen your security level against any harmful hackers and bots who try to break in.

So keep that in mind when looking for ways to secure your website.

7. Use SSL To Encrypt Data

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it’s the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details.

Ensuring your website uses HTTPS and an SSL certificate on your hosting is essential not only for protecting your website and the data but providing trust and confidence in your users and customers.

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