Getting started with Facebook Events

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Hi Everyone!

I know I haven’t done any video’s or post’s really much lately, I’ve been super busy, but I just wanted to make this quick video, about Facebook Events.

I find it’s something I’m using more of in my personal time and I think so many businesses could benefit from using this feature on Facebook.

If we just go into Facebook Events here  (desktop) , it’s a few different steps on mobile or on the  (native)  app, but if you go to Discover you can actually filter events by Time, Location and Category here.

Now, what I find I do a lot is, see what’s going on on the weekend, things to do with the toddler, occasionally things to do in the evening if I have a spare date night with the husband.

I just think this is a great opportunity for businesses to advertise their classes, events, sessions, workshops, you name it… 1-2-1’s, tutorials, networking, it could all go on there. It’s a way I find so many of the things coming up, for me to do as well.

So I will be looking on this weekend for things to do with the tot … I can see straight away here, Angela has her Introduction to Calligraphy in Prudhoe, and her classes always seem to be chock-a-block, so it’s worth putting these things on, ’cause so many people can find them.

So, yeah! Give it a go, give yourself 10 minutes, have a bit look through, it’s so easy to do. If I just come back out of  (Discover)  and go into Events, you can go to “Create Event” and click on “Create Public Event”, you can put your own picture on, what it’s about, where it is and things like that, and you can continue to post on there.

The only thing I’ve found is, you can only seemingly Invite people that you know? But, it would still be discoverable in this Discover area, so I think that’s the only difference.

You’re best off creating it – now I’ve created one here for the North Tyneside Afternoon meeting that I run every month.

I can Invite people I know, so I’ve invited some fellow Inspire ladies here, then I would share that on my personal profile because there are people I know, family friends and colleagues that would live in the area, that might find it useful as well.

So, get on, create your Events, and I’d love to see more from you in the future!

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