How to add a new user to your Google Analytics account

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The team at Blueocto get a lot of questions about Google Analytics and how to use it efficiently for their website insights.

Although we have a wealth of information, we could bombard you with, we wanted to focus this blog post on adding new users to your Google Analytics to your account.

A lot of people have wanted to know this, therefore we have created this little video to help you.

Video transcript

Blueocto here! So, I just want to show you, how to add a new user to your Google analytics account.

Now, the reason I’m shown this is because more often than not, we are asking clients for access, and they don’t know how to do it.

Um, and it’s likely that someone else might have already set up the account for them in the past, perhaps another agency.

So, it’s always useful to know. So on this example account, this isn’t a live website, so don’t worry, this is the old version as well.

This is not Google Analytics 4, this is traditionally probably what most people are actually seeing when they log into analytics.

Usually, you would log into analytics with an email or using the G suite account, which is linked to a domain name.

So here I’m logged in as a company. Uh, but here at the bottom left-hand corner is the admin cog icon.

If you click on that now at this particular example, I’ve got the website in a folder called freelance clients, a very historic, but likelihood is this would be simply your business name, and this would be the parent account here.

And then they have what’s called a property. So it could be that you have it tracking something on your website and maybe something on an app on a phone.

And that’s where you can create multiple properties. And then you’ve got views, but more often than not, you’ll have this and this.

Google Analytics main screen
Main dashboard when you login to Analytics

Now, generally speaking again, if it’s just for one website and only one property, you can give account access from here, or you can give property access from here.

And this particular example, because this website is inside a folder of other websites, I don’t want to change the access to them or their sites, only need this website.

So again, if you had four websites in your company, and this was the overarching company you would be given access to here, you’ve got property access.

Um, he can go see some examples, my old email address and, and some business email addresses here.

Now this is an @Gmail account, just for an example. And these are G suites accounts.

Google Analytics administration screen
Administration screen
Google Analytics User permissions screen
Property permissions screen

Now, we push our emails through Google, like Gmail for business, it’s called G suite. And we point our domain to their servers.

And that’s how we can log into Google for email and other things but using our domain name. So, it might well be the same for you.

Do you mean have your name or [email protected] and can still login or maybe that you’ve had to create a separate account?

My [email protected] to, to log in now, um, if you have a list of people, you can edit what options they’ve got by going to the three dotty lines on the right-hand side.

But what you’re really going to probably want to do is add a new user. So, click the big plus button, do user, and here it will ask you for the email address.

Now, if it’s for someone who does not have a Gmail account or G suite account, it will let you know.

So just for example, if try and tab off it to let me do it. Because they probably will accept it. Try another one. It will not accept it.

So that gives me an indication that they are have a G suite account linked to this email address, but they do not.

And you can tell it to see that Google highlight in as a straight, we would know. Um, now let’s say, if we wanted to add this person will tell you what we’ll add.

This one is G Account, and we want to give them the ability to either read the data in the analytics and you can edit and share assets.

They could service here or actually edit things, but they can’t manage users. Now likelihood hood is if you’re going to have an agency managing things, they want to maybe create a goal.

So for example, if you have an e-commerce store, the goal would be someone ended up possibly at the thank you screen after purchasing an item, because they want to follow that user journey from the homepage all the way through to buying something to ‘Thank you’.

So that likelihood is you’re going to give them these three elements to access on your analytics, and you can always go in and kick them off again.

Google Analytics add user screen
Add permissions for a User

Now if you want it to add a member of your team, it makes sense that you would give them this additional tick box as well to manage users. But ultimately you don’t need to give a developer or agency this option.

So, if you click add, It should send them an email, but it also shows them listed here.

Here you can click into them, and it shows you what permissions you’ve given them and what access they have too as well. So hopefully that’ll let you know how to add new user to your analytics account.

If you have any more questions about Google Analytics or about your website, then please don’t hesitate to send an email or arrange a chat.

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