Am I ready to sell online?

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man holding magnet to attract coins

Think you’re ready to sell online? It might be worth taking 5 minutes to ask yourself a few final questions before you take the plunge!

Our handy checklist can help you establish if you’re ready to take the leap into selling online with eCommerce

Time / money investment



(1) I’m getting an eCommerce site, but do I know that my customers, will be looking for me online?[  ][  ]
(2) Have I got enough time to maintain and manage my eCommerce site on my own?[  ][  ]
(3) Have I completed my competitor analysis and thought about how I am going to gain the competitive edge?[  ][  ]




(1) Can I gather customer feedback and use positive comments as testimonials?[  ][  ]
(2) Have I investigated a meaningful web address for my company website?[  ][  ]
(3) Have I got descriptions for my products and services that are detailed and concise?[  ][  ]

Photos and videos



(1) Can I upload photos/videos to my site or to an online sharing site?[  ][  ]
(2) Do I know how to edit photos/videos to show my products and services at their best?[  ][  ]
(3) Are my images/videos professional enough to put on my website?[  ][  ]

Customer Care



(1) Have I mapped out and tested the steps my customers need to
take to buy things from my website?
[  ][  ]
(2) Do my customers have easy payment options for buying my
product or service i.e. online, on the phone?
[  ][  ]
(3) Am I easily contactable for my clients, eg. do I respond to emails
[  ][  ]




(1) Have I got permission to contact people about my products and services?[  ][  ]
(2) Do I have a system to help me manage customer data?[  ][  ]
(3) Do I understand online marketing, online PR and email marketing?[  ][  ]

E-commerce is rapidly evolving and businesses are trying to adapt to these changes. If you are a business owner and selling products or services online, you should keep these legal aspects of eCommerce in mind.

If you feel like your situation is a little more unique, or you’d simply like to ‘sound out’ your ideas to see if they are feasible, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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