Simpsons Jet Jewellery, Whitby. Shopify web design & development

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Simpsons Jet Jewellery of Whitby, responsive Shopify website
Simpsons Jet Jewellery of Whitby, responsive Shopify website

Simpsons Jet of Whitby are a family run jewellery business, established over 30 years, selling unique handmade pieces, including Whitby Jet, Baltic Amber and other semiprecious materials.

Derek felt it was time to have a refresh of the website, as it had been some time since the first shop was built – they were still supporting IE7 so that might give a feel for how long!

It was also an opportunity to update the brand and we looked to create a new logo and colour palette before the web design was started. We enlisted the help of local branding star, Hollie Elliott Branding to create this new brand.

Simpsons Jet Of Whitby logo designed by Blueocto Ltd

The new shop is built on the popular eCommerce platform Shopify and version 2.0 – this gives us and Derek the flexibility to control more of the layout and design features, from the Admin area.

As we always do, this website is optimised as much as possible (within the Shopify limitations) with Technical SEO and Web Accessibility baked-in from the get-go.

Jet Jewellery - homepage
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