We have decided to shout about our lovely support clients which we help in the UK. Each month we will be interviewing a different company who we assist.
They will tell us about what they do and how having continuous support has helped grow their business.
This month we talked to Shane how was the Ecommerce Manager for Industrial Workwear, however since august he has now moved from the company.
As a company, industrial workwear has been around for over twenty years.
First established in 1999, Industrial Workwear markets ‘those who need a branded uniform requirement or PPE; these range from industrial production companies to Royal Air Force ex-servicemen wanting printed t-shirts for a reunion.’
The business prioritises putting customer needs first and their main value within the company is to be honest even if they lose a sale.

Shane explained how important it is to him and the rest of the team that honesty with a customer about a product, as this builds trust with a client.
Despite Covid 19 and all of the disruptions to businesses around the world, the last 12 months have been good for the Industrial Workwear commercially, as they have grown by over £500,000.
However, Shane told us that there have been some challenges such as staff shortages due to and trading related issues as there had been a lot of problems with getting raw materials.
Shane told us that’ the majority of Industrial Workwear’s business comes online’. Therefore it is extremely important for them to have a fast and accessible site, which is where Blueocto has helped.
Shane said that the website is the biggest selling tool, so if it is right, then it will save marketing on calls and emails! Therefore, Blueocto is determined to make the site better and better!
We asked Shane what does the future hold for Industrial Workwear and he replied;
‘A very optimistic outlook! We are expected to grow sales by £1m this financial year and we’re also looking at heavily investing into the business in the next three years.’
With this positive look into the future, it is important for the company to concentrate on the current moment, for us at Blueocto that means we will continue to make their website as best it can possible be.